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property news

Bulgaria Sees Second-Highest Annual House Price Increase in EU for Lat...

 April 4 (SeeNews) - Bulgaria experienced the EU's second-largest annual house price increase in the last quarter of 2023, rising by 10.1%, with Croatia following closely at 9.5%, according t...[Mehr]

Exploring the Hidden Gems of North East Bulgaria...

Exploring the Hidden Gems: Discover the Inland Charms of Bulgaria's Northeast Black Sea Coastal Area   When we think of the Black Sea coast, images of pristine beaches and vibrant coastal ci...[Mehr]

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rental news

Seasonal flights to Varna airport from two French cities in 2022...

Spanish low-cost airline company Volotea starts summer flights to Varna, Bulgaria from the French cities – Lille and Nantes. The carrier will fly once a week from May till October. The flights f...[Mehr]

Travelling smart in a situation of coronavirus...

Living in an unsecured situation can bring a lot of stress to you and your family. That is why having the opportunity to relax can be essential for your mental and physical condition. Cancelling your ...[Mehr]

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